Table of Contents
Lampung Customary Culture as the Foundation of Social Development: Perspective of Community Empowerment and Welfare | |
Rika Damayanti, Imanudin Imanudin | 157-183 |
The Role of Village Heads in Aceh Jaya in Combating Poverty Through the Utilization of Village Funds | |
Jon Paisal, Sukri, Arwin Jon Paisal | 184-201 |
Strengthening Community Capacity in Disaster Mitigation Through KBLK in Bukittinggi City | |
Muhamad Aldi Juanda, Welhendri Azwar, Muhamad Jamil | 202-229 |
Strengthening Language and Eco-Cultural Literacy of the Young Generation to Support International Tourism in Karimunjawa | |
Kuncoro Bayu Prasetyo, Henrikus Joko Yulianto, Soeharso Soeharso | 230-244 |
The Role Of The Produsen Pemulung Berdaya Cooperative In Improving The Economy Of Scavengers In Setu District, South Tangerang | |
Muhtadi Muhtadi Muhtadi, Muhammad Zahran Al Ariq | 245-262 |
Intervention Methods for Handling HIV/AIDS at the Indonesian Family Planning Association (PKBI) in Cirebon Regency | |
Febbi Amalia, Itahudin Itahudin, Muhammad Alamul Iman, Istiqomah Istiqomah | 263-273 |